Portfolio Analysis(lec5)
ali raza_nvnd
IMPLEMENTING THE MARKETING PLAN: Planning good strategy is only the start - itcounts very little if the organization fails to implement it correctly. Main reasons for the poorimplementation are isolated planning, Some organizations employ ‘professional planners’ whileothers leave the task of developing strategic plans to top management and leaving the details ofimplementation to lower-level managers can spell poor or no implementation at all.Marketing strategy and marketing performance are linked by an implementation system consistingof five related elements. Finallymarketing control involvesevaluating the results ofmarketing strategies and plansand taking corrective action toensure that objectives areattained. It then measures itsperformance in the marketplaceand evaluates the causes of anydifferences between expectedand actual performance. Finally,management takes correctiveaction to close the gaps betweenits goals and its performance.Narrowing down to focused strategy with quantitativeand qualitative screening criteriaCustomersNeeds and otherSegmentingDimensionsCompanyMission, Objectives,& ResourcesS.W.O.T.Targeting &SegmentationCompetitorsCurrent &ProspectivePositioning &DifferentiationExternal Market EnvironmentCopyright Virtual University of Pakistan34Principles of Marketing – MGT301VUMarketing Strategy Planning ProcessWhenever performing the marketing function company needs courses of the action known as thestrategies. Marketing strategies and the planning process are based on the It is based on the SWOTanalysis. SWOT analysis means to analyze the threats and opportunities that are part of externalenvironment and strengths and weaknesses of the organization, which are part of the internal theenvironment. Based on this environmental analysis company formulates the strategies to find outthe target customers designs objectives and mission statements to fulfill the needs of the targetcustomers and strategies to respond to the competitive environment. After conducting SWOTanalysis companies decides strategies about the marketing mix i.e. 4Ps (Product, Price, Place andPromotion) .Marketing ProcessThe marketing process is the process of analyzing market opportunities, selecting target markets,developing the marketing mix, and managing the marketing effort.This process has following main steps:1. Analyzing marketing opportunities2. Selecting target markets3. Developing the marketing Mix4. Managing the marketing effort