today we're going to talk about equations here, sit down and let's do it
Jaroslav Javorsky
In mathematics, an equation is a relationship of equality of two expressions that contain one or more variables. today we will talk about several types of equations, we will start with a normal equation. each vi as calculated, for example, x is equal to two minus three. the result is x equals minus one. let's make it a little harder. 2x equals eight minus six. the result is x equals one. why, because we first calculate eight minus six and then divide it by two. we go to the next kind and these are linear equations. what is it? The term linear equation in mathematics refers to an algebraic equation of the first degree, i.e. an equation with one unknown in which the unknown appears only in the first power. We won't give an example here because it would be quite long, but you probably know how it is calculated. another type of equations are the so-called quadratic equations. what is it? A quadratic equation is an equation in which there is one unknown squared. We won't give an example again because it would be even longer, but we can give a formula that is ax squared plus bx plus c equals zero. next we'll have something cosmic, or next up is the quantum equation. Quantum mechanics describes events taking place at a fine level of resolution, where characteristic differences of action. next up are irrational equations. Irrational equations are equations containing an unknown under the square root. the next is the exponential equation. An exponential equation is any equation in which the unknown is in the exponent of some power. now we have logarithmic equations. By logarithmic equation we will mean such an equation in which the unknown occurs in the argument of logarithms. now let's have the last one, otherwise we would be here until morning. so we call the last equation of today's video the gonimetric equation. A trigonometric equation is an equation that contains an unknown in the argument of one of the trigonometric functions.