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The queen Bee

Christeljen Public
2024-10-10 23:52:17
Once, there were three brothers on a journey. The two older brothers were mean and wanted to harm the animals they met, like ants, ducks, and bees. But the youngest brother, Simpleton, was kind and stopped them from hurting the creatures.The brothers came to an enchanted castle under a spell. The king told them that the spell could only be broken if someone completed three difficult tasks. The older brothers tried and failed.When Simpleton tried, the animals he had saved helped him. The ants gathered pearls for him, the ducks retrieved a key from the lake, and the bees helped him find the youngest princess.Thanks to his kindness, Simpleton broke the spell, married the princess, and lived happily ever after. His selfish older brothers learned an important lesson about being kind to others.

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