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All in one LKG Term 1

Vinodh Mathew
2024-05-07 20:35:16
Hi kids, are you all excited? Clap your hands with a smile.Do you know what we are going to learn Today? Alphabets.Do you know what the first Alphabet is? You are right. A and A for Apple. Say it loud with me. A for Apple. Do you like apples? Apples keep our brains healthy.Do you like to play with a ball? The next alphabet is B. B for ball. Repeat after me. B for ball. We can play with the ball in the garden. Playing makes us healthy and fit.Now a naughty cat is looking at us. Can you see? Have you guessed the next alphabet? Yes, that is C. C for cat. Shall we say it together? C for Cat.All of you say D and D for Drums and see the magic. D... D for Drums. Wow! The cat is playing Drums. This cat is fond of playing drums.Wait! Someone is watching us from the sky. Who is it? Yeah, I found it. It is an eagle. E for Eagle. Can you say it with me. E for Eagle.Can you see a pond at the corner? Let us see who is living inside the pond. Amazing...It is fish. F for Fish. Say it again. F for Fish. Good. Do you like to swim? Like you, fish also like to swim in the water.

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