TWO SIDES OF DevelopMent Importance In Business
farhin kd
Opening scene with Sara named Shopkeeper Who's sitting with a sad face as shefaces loss in her business as there are many development issues for her brand name ABC Shoppersin second scene she overlooks that she needs to shut down her business and gets sad moreBut While speaking to her another friend Soni Who's a successful Shop Keeper who has all the Brand Requirement like WEBSITE DEVELOPED,DOMAIN REGISTERED.SONI makes Sara understand that She took a Service From a IT SOLUTIONS Brand Called QODSOLAnd they Gave her all the requirements fr her Brand and she skyshooted her brand in just days After havin WEB DEVELOPMENT AND POPULARITYTHIRD scene Define need of WEB DEVELOPMENT Importance in Business and startupsFourth scene Sara Getting happy on hearing this and connects QODSOLand here begins her success story of her superstore ABC