What loophole did you exploit before someone found out?When in highschool there was a company that offered money to run an advertising window at the top of your screen. It would monitor mouse movement to track whether you were at your computer and pay a small amount per hour.A buddv and I downloaded it and a mouse moving software and would run both 24, 7 except when we were on the computer. Made a few hundred dollars off of it before the company closed down.My old apartment complex had a soda vending machine at the pool that was broken. If you put in 50 cents and pressed the button, nothing happened. If you put in another 50 cents and pressed the button, nothing happened. But if you put 50 cents in a 3rd time and pressed the button, you'd get 3 sodas. I could see the vending machine from my couch. So I would watch for someone to try, and then try again, and then give up without trying a 3rd time. And then I'd head over and get 3 sodas for 50 cents.There was a vending machine in my college dorm that if you gave it a dime it would slip through to the coin return instantly but still count the credit for the dime. So as long as you had one dime, everything was free.Don’t Forget to like the video and share it for good luck for the next 2 weeksCoca Cola did a campaign where you register a code from the bottle cap and earn prizes. I worked at a store with a bottle deposit and earned myself a sweet mp3 player with room for 5 songs or something. I was the only one I knew that had a mp3 player, so it was pretty sweet at the timeHad a college professor that insisted on doing all tests and quizzes online. If you looked at the page throughView Page Source all of the answers for each multiple answer question had a marker on which one was correct.End text Added