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Create AI Video

Greetings in the name of Allah

2024-03-21 16:38:22
Chapter num 33Leading and leadership motivating self and otherThe natural of motivation. The natural of motivation begin able to effectivelymotivation employee is a challan that managers fact in alltype and. Size of organization everything that we give toour workers gets return in terms– Motivati is the willingness to exert high level of effort toreach organization goals condition by the effort ability tostisfy some individual needs– Effort is a measure of intensity or drive high level of effortaur unlikely to lead to favorable job. Performance unlessThe effort is channeled in a direction that benefits theorganization– A need is an internal state that make certain outcomeappears attractive an unsatisf– Person motivation is not directly measure but must beinterested from behavior– Performance is a function of ambilty motivation andworking cinvitionsy need creates tensionHence motivation is the force that energizes behavior givesdirection to behavior and under the tendency to persist– Person motivation is not directly measure but must beinterested from behavior– Performance is a function of ambilty motivation andworking cinvitionsThe main elements of motivation have been identifiedbased on the numerous studies a simplified model ofmotivation has been devolpedInner needs and cognitive lead to behavior– Lack of rewards may lead to unfulfilled needs unreinforcedbehavior and consitive from of expectations about thefuture– Intrinsic motivation A person internal desire to do somethings for his satisfaction respect prestige or loyalaryExtrinsic motivation factors of motivation that comes fromoutside or origanization like pay tangible benefits etcExtrinsic motivation factors of motivation that comes fromoutside or origanization like pay tangible benefits etcExtrinsic motivation factors of motivation that comes fromoutside or origanization like pay tangible benefits etcUe goals because the literally an goals suggests thatmanagers should enure that employee have. Hard specificgoals and feed back on howUe goals because the literally an goals suggests thatmanagers should enure that employee have. Hard specific– Employee should perecive that the rewards or out come areequal to the input gives

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