Globe valve working
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A globe valve is a type of valve used in piping engineering to regulate flow in a pipeline. Its primary function is to start, stop, or throttle the flow of liquid or gas. It gets its name from its spherical body shape. Here's an explanation of its working principle:### Working of a Globe Valve:1. Design and Components:- The main parts of a globe valve include a disc, seat, and stem. The disc is connected to the stem, and the seat is a ring-like opening where the disc sits to block the flow.- Globe valves are available in straight, angle, and Y-pattern designs, each offering different flow patterns for various applications.2. Operation:- Closing the Valve: When the valve is in the closed position, the disc is pressed down against the seat by the stem, effectively blocking the flow of fluid. The closure mechanism is perpendicular to the flow, ensuring a tight seal.- Opening the Valve: To open the valve, the handwheel is turned, lifting the disc off the seat through the stem’s upward movement. This allows the fluid to pass through the valve.- Throttling: Globe valves are particularly effective for throttling or regulating flow. By partially raising the disc, the operator can control the rate of flow through the valve.3. Flow Characteristics:- The flow through a globe valve changes direction (typically 90 degrees), which creates resistance and causes a pressure drop. This design is excellent for precise flow control but can cause turbulence