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But it's important to understand the bigger picture when it comes to consuming our third worst food: bread.

2024-04-21 12:44:26
Firstly, bread is loaded with amop pcin, a type of carbohydrate that quickly converts to glucose. This process starts as soon as bread comes into contact with your saliva. The rapid digestion of amop pectin in bread causes a significant spike in blood sugar levels. To put it in perspective, consuming just two slices of bread can raise your blood sugar more than ingesting 6 tablespoons of table sugar. That's a big spike!But it's not just about blood sugar. Bread also plays a role in the formation of small LDL particles. While LDL cholesterol is often labeled as bad, it's actually the small and dense LDL particles that we need to be aware of. These small particles are more prone to oxidation, which triggers inflammation within the arterial walls. And guess what? Bread is one of the main culprits for this.On top of that, the gluten in bread is associated with the development of leaky gut syndrome. In a healthy gut, the intestinal lining acts as a barrier, controlling what enters the bloodstream. However, leaky gut syndrome occurs when this lining becomes permeable, allowing toxins, undigested food particles, and bacteria to seep into the bloodstream. This condition can trigger systemic inflammation, increasing your risk for various health issues, including heart disease.So, it's clear that bread isn't as innocent as it seems.

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