Unit 3 Fast Fashion Is Killing Our Planet 快速時尚正在毀滅我們的地球
Two thinking techniques are mainly used,Extended-radial thinking method andSurrounding-clockwise thinking methodto improve the level of learning.兩種思考技術被主要地使用,「放射性思考法」和「螺旋狀思考法」以改善學習程度。In other words, it is a way of thinkingto simplify and concretize things.換句話說,它是簡單化和具體化事物的思考方法。The theme is written in the center ofa nine-square grid first, and thenvarious ideas or associations triggered by the themeare written in the remaining eight spaces.首先主題被寫在一個九宮格的中央,然後被該主題觸發的各種各樣觀念或聯想被寫在剩餘八個空格。The types are: 1) extended-radial thinking,starting from the center of the problemand thinking outward to the eight squares;這些類型是:一、放射性思考法,從問題中央開始並且向外思考到那八個空格;2) surrounding-clockwise thinking, sequentiallyworking on the eight outer squares clockwise.二、螺旋狀思考法,依照順時針方向研究那八個外面方格。The keypoint to make a good Mandala chartis to avoid abstract words, such as adjectives.製作一個好的曼陀羅九宮格的關鍵點是避免抽象字詞,例如:形容詞。Nouns are much better for our brainto judge what we are thinking.對於我們的大腦而言,要判斷我們正在思考的事物,名詞是更好得多了。