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Ransomware Attack

2024-05-31 06:11:54
Ransomware is a type of malicious software cybercriminals use to block you from accessing your own data.The digital extortionists encrypt the files on your system and add extensions to the attacked data and hold it hostage until the demanded ransom is paid.During the initial infection, the ransomware may attempt to spread throughout your network to shared drives, servers, attached computers and other accessible systems.If the ransom demands are not met within the timeframe, the system or encrypted data remains unavailable, data may be deleted by the software and the decryption key obliterated. Ransomware enters your network in a variety of ways, the most popular is a download via a spam email attachment.The download then launches the ransomware program that attacks your system.Other forms of entry include social engineering, downloads of malicious software from the web that can be direct from a site or by clicking on “malvertising,” fake ads that unleash the ransomware.The malware can also be spread through chat messages or even removable USB drives.Typically, the software gets introduced to your network by an executable file that may have been in a zip folder, embedded within Microsoft Office document’s macros, or disguised as fax or other viable attachment.The download file then encrypts your data, adds an extension to your files and makes them inaccessible.More sophisticated versions of the software are propagating themselves and can work without any human action.Known as drive-by attacks, this form of ransomware infects your system through vulnerabilities in various browser plugins.

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